The Bunco Dice Games last week were so much fun we’re going to continue them! We could use a few more players, so join us on Monday, March 14th.
Did you know that Bunco was actually played as a family game in England during the 18th century?
But it was unknown in the United States until 1855, when it was introduced into San Francisco during the Gold Rush by a crooked gambler.
This nefarious game was played in what became known as Bunco Parlors. Hence, the word Bunco came to be a general term that applied to all scams, swindling and confidence games.
During prohibition and the roaring 20s, the infamous Bunco gambling parlors resurfaced in various regions of the U.S. The most notorious speakeasies and Bunco dice parlors were located in and around Chicago.
The term “Bunco Squad” referred to the detectives who raided these establishments.
Now you, too, can play this fun game with a devilish past!
As it is played today, Bunco is a social dice game involving 100% luck and no skill (there are no decisions to be made), and a simple set of rules.
And for some reason people playing the game do a lot of laughing!
Time: 2:00 pm.
Cost: Free