Tuesday, March 8 – Celebrate Our 2nd Anniversary!

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The Platte County Senior Outreach Center is celebrating its Second Anniversary! We’ll have cake at the Center on Tuesday, March 8th right after the Outreach Board meeting – about 3:00 pm. Join us to celebrate this very special anniversary – … Continued

Today’s Class at the Outreach Center Continues with the Pumpkin Decoration Craft – Tuesday, October 13

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The Pumpkin Decorations craft will continue in today’s class, Tuesday, October 13th, at the Outreach Center. If you were at the craft class last Tuesday you’ll continue working on your rustic pumpkin decorations today, led by Molly Wilhelm. Time: 1:15pm  

Mark Your Calendars! New Melodrama Performance Dates are Announced

posted in: Event, Friday, Fun, Melodrama, Saturday | 0
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No more waiting! The wildly anticipated Melodrama – Dirty Deeds at the Depot – is set to debut on Wednesday, July 22. Melodramas are a fun theater experience – with audience participation! You get to shout “Hooray!” for the Hero, … Continued